Wolf Kroeger

Wolf was born in St-Jean-D’Angély, a small town in the South-West of France. Even though his home-base was France, he was fortunate to travel from a very young age. The mix of cultures he has been exposed to has left him with an eclectic taste when it comes to art in general. Mostly self taught, he has always had a passion for drawing and got into paints at an older age. When he turned eighteen Wolf moved to the states, where he has lived for the last twelve years. He is currently involved in diverse projects, including music and stop-motion.

As seen in Curious Magazine Issue No.2 “Revenge”, here are select works and statements by Wolf Kroeger.

Insomnia | 20’’x16’’, Acrylic on canvas

Insomnia | 20’’x16’’, Acrylic on canvas

In the dead of night, when so much needs to be done but the wheels of the great machine are at rest, it can feel like you are a flame astronaut staring into a vast, frozen plain, trying to awaken it in vain. In this warped red face I sometimes recognize myself…

Nostalgia | 48’’x30’’, Acrylic on canvas

Nostalgia | 48’’x30’’, Acrylic on canvas

Time is propelled by dualities; summer and winter, night and day, warmth and frost… The headless child is not yet aware of the passage of time; he is being watched upon fondly by his parents as he reminds them of their younger selves. The all mighty puppeteer is watching over the scene, hidden in the midst of his own creations. We are right in the middle of his playground, and the roundabout spins faster and faster as we age. We can only grab a few memories along the way, and escape with them for just a moment, into nostalgia.

Isolation | 20’’x16’’, Acrylic on canvas

Isolation | 20’’x16’’, Acrylic on canvas

When you are sucked into a void of loneliness, it is possible to find an immaculate peace within its depths. In these placid blocks, I find myself removed in stillness watching the tormented skies and burning seas, which are reminiscent of the spectacle of our society. All is beautiful from the shorelines of isolation.

The Agitated | 14’’x16’’, Acrylic on paper

The Agitated | 14’’x16’’, Acrylic on paper

This was made for the noire stop-motion pilot “THE AGITATED”. We see a clown exiting a bloody fight scene, gun barrel fuming, as he has avenged his honor.

Purchase Issue No.2 here for the full article.

Follow Wolf on Instagram here.

Rebecca Ustrell